Global Zine Share
I am creating a library of writing, illustration, and ideas from all over the world. If you send me a letter, drawing, zine, story, or small self-published booklet of any kind, then I will reply with a zine that I made. I will respond to every entry in the project that includes a return address. My goal is to scan in all submissions and create a digital library of global creative expression. Write in any language. Any kind of paper. Any pen, pencil, ink, paint. Add stickers. Share anything. Entries from school classes are warmly welcomed. Your zine can be all words, have no words, be in color or just scribbled in pencil. There are no requirements.
IMPORTANT: Originals will not be returned. Therefore, please send only what you wish to give away. I will be sharing some of the zines that I receive on my blog. While I will make an effort not to share personal information (such as names or addresses), please only submit entries that you are comfortable sharing openly.