Please see the official press release regarding this event here:
Friday, May 8, 2009 from 7:30 to 11:00 pm
Live music, door prizes and refreshments. The party and concert will be held at 6520 Wilkins Avenue, Pittsburgh 15217 so you can preview the NEW SPACE!
Who’s playing? Karmic Salon concert features local artists and bands including Emily Pinkerton, Brad Yoder, Chris Fennimore, Doug Blevins and Onda Brasil.
How much does it cost? All Karmic Salon events are by donation and you do not need to buy a ticket or reserve a space. Just show up and enjoy!
This link will take you to the official published press release regarding Yoga Matrika’s 2nd Anniversary Karmic Salon:
Yoga studio in Squirrel Hill/Point Breeze holds live music concert with door prizes and refreshments May 8 from 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm
April 30, 2009-Pittsburgh, Pa. – Yoga Matrika [] celebrates its second anniversary with a live music event in its new studio space at 6520 Wilkins Avenue in Squirrel Hill on Friday, May 8, 2009 from 7:30 to 11:00 pm. Featured musicians and bands include: Emily Pinkerton, Brad Yoder, Doug Blevins, Chris Fennimore and Onda Brasil with Claudio Soloaga on guitar, voice, quena and charango/Melissa Alliston on voice and percussion and Roger Day on tuba. This unique Karmic Salon also offers attendees the opportunity to preview Yoga Matrika’s beautiful second studio space, set to open in mid-May. The concert is by donation and there will be a raffle (drawing on May 19th), door prizes and refreshments served.
Yoga Matrika hosts Karmic Salons regularly and they all feature local musicians, poets and writers. The Karmic Salon concept provides local artists with an opportunity to experiment with new work in a supportive environment that allows for intimate exchange between the artist and audience. Yoga Matrika was opened with the intention to strengthen the creative energies of the community and Karmic Salons are just one way that we have developed to support this goal. Each artist performs a 30-minute set and is available for questions and audience feedback. All Karmic Salon events are by donation and do not require reservations or tickets. Events are co-hosted and recorded by Chris “Lurch” Rudyk, owner of Broadcast Lane Studios.
For additional information contact Sharon Rudyk at 412-855-5692 or , or visit our website at
About Yoga Matrika:
Yoga Matrika is a community-based studio located in Squirrel Hill at 1406 S. Negley Avenue and is owned and directed by Sharon Fennimore Rudyk. For two-years, Yoga Matrika has offered unique small-group yoga classes taught by one of the best trained and dynamic instructor teams in the city. In May 2009, Yoga Matrika will open a second studio space at 6520 Wilkins Avenue. Sharon is a certified yoga instructor and is currently working on a PhD in Medical Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh.
Sharon Rudyk, Owner and Director
We are holding a special birthday raffle to support the BLISS EXPANSION PROJECT. Raffle tickets will go on sale on Friday, March 13th at the Karmic Salon. Tickets are $25 each and you can buy 4-tickets for $75. The raffle will be held prior to the kirtan with Dharmashakti in the NEW studio space on Tuesday, May 19th. You do not need to be present to win. There are many great prizes and they are 100% transferable—so if you win something you can’t use, then you can give it away. The retail value of prizes are listed so you can see what a fabulous deal it is for your $25 ticket!
Here are the prizes (so far!):
Grand Prize: 1 Year of Unlimited Yoga (value: $2,400)
Additional Prizes:
One 2-hour knitting lesson for 2-people with Cosy (value: $50)
A package of 2-1hr. therapeutic private sessions for women with Tara (value: $200)
One private session with Max Hurwitz for up to two people (value: $200)
One 1-hour private session with Erin Commendatore (value: $75)
One “new mom” package of 1 nursing bra, 1 birth skirt, 1 ring sling, 1 book (value: $140)
Series of 3-individualized MP3 deep relaxation classes by Elsie Escobar (value: $100)
Dream Basket: Handmade book by Leslie Wright and lavender eye pillow by Anita Alfonsi (value $150)
TEN 3-class cards (value $45 each)
FIVE 5-class cards (value $70 each)
THREE 10-class cards (value $125 each)
You can purchase a raffle ticket at the studio or call Sharon (412) 8… to make arrangements. Everyone except for current instructors is eligable to purchase a ticket. If you would prefer to make a donation, please write a check to “Yoga Matrika” and write “Bliss Expansion Project” in the Memo and send to: Yoga Matrika, 1406 S. Negley Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217.